fluid biopsy

      Name of the student: k vaishnavi
      Registration number:2446
      Title of the presentation: FLUID BIOPSY
      Category: review
      College name: kamineni institute of dental sciences

The invasive techniques for diagnosing and monitoring cancers are slowly being replaced by noninvasive methods such as liquid biopsy. Liquid biopsies have drastically revolutionized the feld of clinical oncology,
ofering ease in tumor sampling, continuous monitoring by repeated sampling, devising personalized therapeutic
regimens, and screening for therapeutic resistance. Liquid biopsies consist of isolating tumor-derived entities like
circulating tumor cells, circulating tumor DNA, tumor extracellular vesicles, etc., present in the body fuids of patients
with cancer, followed by an analysis of genomic and proteomic data contained within them. Methods for isolation
and analysis of liquid biopsies have rapidly evolved over the past few years as described in the review, thus providing
greater details about tumor characteristics such as tumor progression, tumor staging, heterogeneity, gene mutations,
and clonal evolution, etc. Liquid biopsies from cancer patients have opened up newer avenues in detection and
continuous monitoring, treatment based on precision medicine, and screening of markers for therapeutic resistance.
Though the technology of liquid biopsies is still evolving, its non-invasive nature promises to open new eras in clini‑
cal oncology. The purpose of this review is to provide an overview of the current methodologies involved in liquid
biopsies and their application in isolating tumor markers for detection, prognosis, and monitoring cancer treatment

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