

Case scenario.... Hi, this is k.vaishnavi , IIIrd BDS. This is an online eblog book discuss our patients health data after taking her consent.This also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio. Case sheet : a 82 year old women joined causality with fever, knee pain and difficulty in standing. Chief complain: patient suffering from fever and knee pain since two days . History of present illness : patient's was apparently asymptomatic 2 days . Then developed fever , a high grade fever which is not associated with chills or rigors , and no diurnal variation . It is relieved on medication . Pain in knee joint since two days . There is no history of cold , cough , shortness of breath , burning micturation , vomitings , loose stools , giddiness . History of past illness: patient was admitted 20 days ago with similar complains and was discharged one week ago. There was drainage of fluid from knee joint. Patient suffering from bp since 10 years. No history of diab

fluid biopsy

      Name of the student: k vaishnavi       Registration number:2446       Title of the presentation: FLUID BIOPSY       Category: review       College name: kamineni institute of dental sciences                   Abstract The invasive techniques for diagnosing and monitoring cancers are slowly being replaced by noninvasive methods such as liquid biopsy. Liquid biopsies have drastically revolutionized the feld of clinical oncology, ofering ease in tumor sampling, continuous monitoring by repeated sampling, devising personalized therapeutic regimens, and screening for therapeutic resistance. Liquid biopsies consist of isolating tumor-derived entities like circulating tumor cells, circulating tumor DNA, tumor extracellular vesicles, etc., present in the body fuids of patients with cancer, followed by an analysis of genomic and proteomic data contained within them. Methods for isolation and analysis of liquid biopsies have rapidly evolved over the past few years as described i


GM case 3  Case scenario..... Hi, this is k.vaishnavi , IIIrd BDS. This is an online eblog book discuss our patients health data after taking her consent.This also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio.   Case sheet : a 65 year old women joined with burning micturation and abdominal pain. Chief complain : patient with burning micturation and abdominal pain since 2 months. History of present illness: Patient was apparently asymptomatic before 2 months. She consultanted doctor and there were no symptoms diagnosed by that doctor. It have been 2 months after consulting doctor and burning sensation and pain haven't decreased.  Swellings are present on hands , legs and face . Signs of paralysis is found on face . Associated diseases: Diabetes mellitus type II Hypertension History of past illness: Patient got heart stroke before 7 years. And it was treated by stunt. Patient is suffering from diabetes mellitus since 7 years. Patient is suffering from hypertension since 7 y

GM case 2

Case scenario..... Hi, this is k.vaishnavi , IIIrd BDS. This is an online eblog book discuss our patients health data after taking her consent.This also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio. Case sheet: a 17 year old boy with cough. Chief complain : cough since 13 days . History of present illness : the patient was apparently asymptomatic before 13 days . From 13 days he is suffering from cough. From past 2 days cough is produced with sputum.   Associated diseases: no diseases. History of past illness: no similar complain in past. PERSONAL HISTORY:  Appetite : Normal  Diet: vegitarian  Bowel and bladder movements: Regular  Addictions : Nil Micturition: normal Known Allergies : nil FAMILY HISTORY:  Not significant  GENERAL EXAMINATION: Pallor : no Icterus :no Cyanosis : no Clubbing : no Lymphadenopathy : no Edema : no VITALS: Temperature: 98.9°c/f Pulse: 84beats per minute Respiratory rate: 21cycles per minute Blood pressure: 110/80 mm of Hg SPO2: 97%

GM case 1

GM case 1 Case scenario..... Hi, this is k.vaishnavi , IIIrd BDS. This is an online eblog book discuss our patients health data after taking her consent.This also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio.  CASESHEET:a 65 year old women with joint pain and tingling. Chief complaints: joint pain and tingling sensation since 10 days . HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: Patient was apparently asymptomatic before 4 years . Since 4 years the patient is suffering from joint pain. The pain has became sever since patient has fallen from stairs before 10 days . The patient has developed joint pain first in lower limb and the to upper limb involving elbow and shoulder joint . Swelling at joints are seen. The tingling sensation of upper and lower limb. Right side headache since 2 years. Associated diseases: Type II diabetes mellitus  Hypertension    History of past illness: Type II diabetes mellitus since 1year and on medication of  METFORMIN HYDROCHLORID